Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday 7/29, Part 2.2

Don, the girls and I walked to the service in Eesso Village. Leanne drove the RAV4 because she picked up some villagers who she had invited the previous day. After church, Leanne drove the guests home while the five of us who walked sat in the church with the Chief Eesso and drank sodas. Apparently, this is a tradition of sorts.
When we were done, Leanne was back so we rode back to the house dropping off other villagers on the way. This time, there were 13 in RAV 4. Leanne said their record so far is 17 people at once. BUT that included a few infants, so I guess it is not such a big accomplishment ;)
Lunch was leftovers and then we packed the clothes and shoes in the car. I am thinking that this RAV 4 has is more of a workhorse than most.
The drive up the hill to Blantyre from Chikwawa is beautiful. Not sure if I should say this, but I kinda yelled at the girls on the drive - I know, quite out of character for me. 20 minutes up the mountain, admiring God’s creation and the interesting sites of local people on the side of the road, I jumped down the girls throats for all three completely ignoring the amazing environment while playing games on their phones. The girls quickly complied and Leanne was super proud of me.

We made it safely to the Miqlat house. This place is fabulous compared to the accommodations we endured on my last two visits. I will post some photos soon.

Tomorrow -- Annie's Closet first official distribution begins!

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